A propósito da crise nos mercados finaneiros mundiais, Ann Pettífor, sugestão de leitura deste post, escreveu no artigo "Debtonation: how globalisation dies" o seguinte( sublinhados nossos): "(...)The full extent of the pending financial collapse is dawning on regulators and central bankers, whose panic led them to reverse their anti-inflationary policies and instead pump liquidity into a financial system frozen by the fear and mistrust that now exists between banks. On 13 August, the European central bank made its third consecutive daily injection of cash into the European banking network, bringing to almost $280 billion (£140 billion) its aggregated support for eurozone banks. Comparable amounts of cash have been provided to financial institutions in the US and Japan.
Why have central bankers, all ideologically committed to the role of the "invisible hand" in financial markets,
acted in this way? Because commercial banks no longer trust the solvency of other banks, and so on 9 August effectively went on strike; i.e. stopped lending to each other, forcing central bankers to step in to provide lending to those that needed it. The fact that central banks continue to do so today, indicates that regulators are in a bind: they have lost faith in the "invisible hand", but have not yet dealt with the solvency issue. As a result, fear still stalks the markets, and easy money continues to be passed around as if there were no tomorrow.(...)"
Pois é nestas coisas dos banqueiros e dos mercados financeiros aplica-se sempre aquela velha máxima do faz o que eu digo não faças o que eu faço.


Pedra do Homem, 2007

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